Source code for ws_barcode_scanner.memory_map

from typing import List, Tuple, Union, overload

from ws_barcode_scanner.serial_port import SerialPort
from ws_barcode_scanner.utils import bits_to_int, int_to_bits

[docs]class MemoryMap: """ Interface to the device memory """ __serial_port: SerialPort def __init__(self, serial_port: SerialPort) -> None: self.__serial_port = serial_port @overload def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, slice]) -> int: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, item: Tuple[Union[int, slice], int]) -> bool: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, item: Tuple[Union[int, slice], slice]) -> int: ...
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Read data from memory Examples -------- >>> # read bytes as integers >>> self[0x0000] # first byte 202 >>> bin(self[0x0000]) # same number as binary '0b11001010' >>> bin(self[0x0000:0x0002]) # first two bytes '0b1100101011001010' >>> # read bit as bool >>> self[0x0000, 0] # first bit of first byte True >>> # read bit slices as integers >>> bin(self[0x0000, 0:4]) # read first four bits of first byte '0b1100' """ if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): byte_index, bit_index = key, None elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2: byte_index, bit_index = key else: raise IndexError(f"Index not understood: {key!r}") # read bytes from device if isinstance(byte_index, int): # self[0] -> int, 8 bits num_bytes = 1 byte_data = self.__serial_port.read_address(byte_index, num_bytes) elif isinstance(byte_index, slice): # self[0:2] -> int, 16 bits byte_index = self.__normalize_slice(byte_index) num_bytes = byte_index.stop - byte_index.start byte_data = self.__serial_port.read_address(byte_index.start, num_bytes) else: raise IndexError(f"Byte index not understood: {byte_index!r}") # if full bytes are requested: return them if bit_index is None: return byte_data byte_data_as_bits = int_to_bits(byte_data, n_bits=num_bytes * 8) # return requested bits if isinstance(bit_index, int): # self[0, 0] -> bool return byte_data_as_bits[bit_index] elif isinstance(bit_index, slice): # self[0, 2:4] -> int, 2 bits bit_index = self.__normalize_slice(bit_index) return bits_to_int(byte_data_as_bits[bit_index]) raise IndexError(f"Bit index not understood: {bit_index}")
@overload def __setitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice], value: Union[int, bytes]) -> None: ... @overload def __setitem__(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], int], value: Union[int, bool]) -> None: ... @overload def __setitem__(self, key: Tuple[Union[int, slice], slice], value: Union[int, bytes]) -> None: ...
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: r""" Write data to memory Examples -------- >>> # write bytes >>> self[0x0000] = 0b10100101 # write `10100101` to first byte >>> self[0x0000] = 165 # same >>> self[0x0000] = bytes.fromhex("A5") # same >>> self[0x0000] = b"\xA5" # same >>> # write bit >>> self[0x0000, 0] = 0 # set first bit of first byte to 0 >>> self[0x0000, 0] = False # same >>> # write bit slices >>> self[0x0000, -2:] = 0b00 # set last two bits of first byte to `00` >>> self[0x0000, -2:] = 0 # same """ if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): byte_index, bit_index = key, None elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2: byte_index, bit_index = key else: raise TypeError(f"Index not understood: {key!r}") if isinstance(byte_index, int): address, n_bytes = byte_index, 1 elif isinstance(byte_index, slice): byte_index = self.__normalize_slice(byte_index) address, n_bytes = key.start, key.stop - key.start else: raise IndexError(f"Byte index not understood: {byte_index!r}") if isinstance(value, bytes): int_value = int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") elif isinstance(value, int): int_value = value else: raise TypeError("Value must be bytes or integer") # write bytes if no bit index is given if bit_index is None: self.__serial_port.write_to_address(address, n_bytes, int_value) return # read bytes that have to be partially modified bits: List[bool] = list(int_to_bits(self[byte_index], n_bits=n_bytes * 8)) if isinstance(bit_index, int): if isinstance(int_value, bool) or (isinstance(int_value, int) and int_value in (0, 1)): bits[bit_index] = bool(int_value) else: raise ValueError("Can only write True, False, 0, or 1 to a bit address") elif isinstance(bit_index, slice): bit_index = self.__normalize_slice(bit_index) bits[bit_index] = int_to_bits(int_value, n_bits=bit_index.stop - bit_index.start) else: raise IndexError(f"Bit index not understood: {bit_index}") self.__serial_port.write_to_address(address, n_bytes, bits_to_int(bits))
@staticmethod def __normalize_slice(key: slice) -> slice: """ Check and normalize the given byte slice s.t. start is an integer, stop is not None, and step is None Parameters ---------- key A slice to be used as byte index Returns ------- The normalized slice Raises ------ IndexError If the step was given or stop was not given """ if key.step is not None: raise IndexError("Slicing with step != 1 is not supported") if key.stop is None: raise IndexError("Slicing with open stop is not supported") if key.start is None: return slice(0, key.stop, None) return key