Welcome to the open-cytomat documentation!

This module is an unofficial Python interface for Thermo Fisher Scientific Cytomat devices.


To control the Cytomat, use the cytomat.Cytomat class. It requires the serial port as parameter:

>>> from cytomat import Cytomat

>>> c = Cytomat("COM5")

>>> print("Current temperature:", c.climate_controller.current_temperature)
Current temperature: 37.03

>>> print("Plate on transfer station?", c.overview_status.transfer_station_occupied)
Plate on transfer station? True

>>> c.move_plate_from_transfer_station_to_slot(5)

The Cytomat class

class cytomat.Cytomat(serial_port: str)[source]
plate_handler: PlateHandler

Exposes functionality related to plate handling

barcode_scanner: BarcodeScanner

Exposes functionality of the built-in barcode scanner

maintenance_controller: MaintenanceController

Exposes maintenance functionality

climate_controller: ClimateController

Exposes functionality related to temperature and CO2

shaker_controller: ShakerController

Exposes tower shaker functionality

property overview_status: OverviewStatus

Status overview

property action_status: ActionStatus

Action status

property error_status: ErrorStatus

Error status

property warning_status: WarningStatus

Warning status

wait_until_not_busy(timeout: float, poll_interval: float = 0.5) OverviewStatus[source]

Block the current thread until the device is not busy anymore.

  • timeout – The timeout in seconds

  • poll_interval – The polling interval in seconds


TimeoutError – If the device is still busy after the given timeout duration


class cytomat.plate_handler.PlateHandler(serial_port: SerialPort)[source]
initialize() OverviewStatus[source]

(Re-) initialize the plate handler

move_plate_from_transfer_station_to_slot(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the transfer station to the given slot


slot – The target slot

move_plate_from_slot_to_transfer_station(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the given slot to the transfer station


slot – The slot where the plate is located

move_plate_from_transfer_station_to_handler() OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the transfer station to the plate handler shovel

move_plate_from_handler_to_transfer_station() OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the plate handler shovel to the transfer station

move_plate_from_exposed_position_to_inside() OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the exposed position (above the transfer station) to the neutral position inside the device

move_plate_from_inside_to_exposed_position() OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the neutral position inside the device to the exposed position (above the transfer station)

move_plate_from_handler_to_slot(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the plate handler shovel to the given slot


slot – The target slot

move_plate_from_slot_to_handler(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the given slot to the plate handler shovel


slot – The slot where the plate is located

move_plate_from_exposed_position_to_slot(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the exposed position (above the transfer station) to the given slot


slot – The target slot

move_plate_from_slot_to_exposed_position(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move a plate from the given slot to the exposed position (above the transfer station)


slot – The slot where the plate is located

retract_shovel() OverviewStatus[source]

Retract the plate handler shovel

extend_shovel() OverviewStatus[source]

Extend the plate handler shovel

close_transfer_door() OverviewStatus[source]

Close the transfer door

open_transfer_door() OverviewStatus[source]

Open the transfer door

reset_handler_position() OverviewStatus[source]

Reset the handler to the neutral position

move_handler_below_slot_height(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move the handler below the given slot (only changes height, not rotation)


slot – The target slot

move_handler_above_slot_height(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move the handler above the given slot (only changes height, not rotation)


slot – The target slot

rotate_handler_to_slot(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Rotate the handler to the given slot (only changes rotation, not height)


slot – The target slot

rotate_handler_to_transfer_station() OverviewStatus[source]

Rotate the handler to the transfer station (only changes rotation, not height)

move_x_to_slot(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Move along to the given slot (only moves along the x axis)


slot – The target slot

class cytomat.climate_controller.ClimateController(serial_port: SerialPort)[source]
property current_temperature: float

The current temperature, in °C (read-only)

property target_temperature: float

The target temperature, in °C (can be set)

property current_co2: float

The current CO2 level (read-only)

property target_co2: float

The target CO2 level (can be set)

class cytomat.shaker_controller.ShakerController(serial_port: SerialPort)[source]
get_shaker_frequency(shaker: int) int[source]

Get the frequency of the given shaker


shaker – The shaker number (1-based)


Return type:

The shaker frequency

set_shaker_frequency(shaker: int, frequency: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Set the frequency of the given shaker

  • shaker – The shaker number (1-based)

  • frequency – The target frequency

initialize_shakers() OverviewStatus[source]

Initialize the shakers

start_all_shakers() OverviewStatus[source]

Start all shakers

start_shaker(shaker: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Start the given shaker


shaker – The shaker number (1-based)

stop_all_shakers() OverviewStatus[source]

Stop all shakers

stop_shaker(shaker: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Stop the given shaker


shaker – The shaker number (1-based)

class cytomat.maintenance_controller.MaintenanceController(serial_port: SerialPort)[source]
reset_error_status() OverviewStatus[source]

Reset the error status

restart_device() OverviewStatus[source]

Restart the device

set_pitch(stacker: int, pitch: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Set the pitch of the given stacker

  • stacker – The stacker index (1-based)

  • pitch – The pitch (in steps)

send_barcode_scanner_data_via_rs232() OverviewStatus[source]

Send barcode scanner data via the RS-232 interface

send_temperate_co2_via_rs232() OverviewStatus[source]

Send barcode scanner data via the RS-232 interface

class cytomat.barcode_scanner.BarcodeScanner(serial_port: SerialPort)[source]
read_all_barcodes() OverviewStatus[source]

Real all barcodes


Return type:

The overview status after command submission

read_barcodes_in_range(start_slot: int, end_slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Read all barcodes in the given range

  • start_slot – The start slot

  • end_slot – The end slot


Return type:

The overview status after command submission

get_barcode_20char(slot: int) str[source]

Get the barcode at the given slot (for short barcodes)


slot – The slot number


Return type:

The barcode

get_barcode_30char(slot: int) str[source]

Get the barcode at the given slot (for long barcodes)


slot – The slot number


Return type:

The barcode

abort_barcode_reading() OverviewStatus[source]

Abort barcode reading


Return type:

The overview status after command submission

property last_barcode_20char: str

The last read barcode (for short barcodes)


Return type:

The last barcode

property last_barcode_30char: str

The last read barcode (for short barcodes)


Return type:

The last barcode

read_barcode_at_slot(slot: int) OverviewStatus[source]

Read the barcode at the given slot


slot – The slot number


Return type:

The overview status after command submission

read_20char_barcode_at_current_position() OverviewStatus[source]

Read the barcode at the current position (for short barcodes)


Return type:

The overview status after command submission

read_30char_barcode_at_current_position() OverviewStatus[source]

Read the barcode at the current position (for long barcodes)


Return type:

The overview status after command submission

class cytomat.swap_station.SwapStation(serial_port: SerialPort)[source]
property status: SwapStationStatus

The swap station status

rotate_to_position_1() OverviewStatus[source]

Rotate to position 1

rotate_to_position_2() OverviewStatus[source]

Rotate to position 2

Status classes

class cytomat.status.OverviewStatus(busy, ready, warning, error, shovel_occupied, transfer_door_open, device_door_open, transfer_station_occupied)[source]

Create new instance of OverviewStatus(busy, ready, warning, error, shovel_occupied, transfer_door_open, device_door_open, transfer_station_occupied)

property busy

Alias for field number 0

property ready

Alias for field number 1

property warning

Alias for field number 2

property error

Alias for field number 3

property shovel_occupied

Alias for field number 4

property transfer_door_open

Alias for field number 5

property device_door_open

Alias for field number 6

property transfer_station_occupied

Alias for field number 7

classmethod from_hex_string(hex_byte: str) OverviewStatus[source]

Create an instance from the hex string (e.g. 'F1')

class cytomat.status.ActionStatus(type, target)[source]

Create new instance of ActionStatus(type, target)

property type

Alias for field number 0

property target

Alias for field number 1

classmethod from_hex_string(hex_byte: str) ActionStatus[source]

Create an instance from the hex string (e.g. 'F1')

class cytomat.status.ActionTarget(value)[source]

An enumeration.

InitPosition = 1
WaitPosition = 2
Stacker = 3
TransferStation = 4
class cytomat.status.ActionType(value)[source]

An enumeration.

MoveHeightBelowSlot = 1
CheckHeightBelowSlot = 2
MoveHeightAboveSlot = 3
CheckHeightAboveSlot = 4
RotateToSlot = 5
CheckRotation = 6
ExtendShovel = 7
CheckExtendedShovel = 8
CheckShovelExtensionSensor = 9
RetractShovel = 10
CheckRetractedShovel = 11
CloseTransferDoor = 12
CheckTransferDoorClosed = 13
OpenTransferDoor = 14
CheckTransferDoorOpened = 15
MoveSwapStationToPos1 = 16
CheckSwapStationAtPos1 = 17
MoveSwapStationToPos2 = 18
CheckSwapStationAtPos2 = 19
CheckPlateOnShovel = 20
CheckPlateOnTransferStation = 21
MoveToBarcodeReader = 22
CheckHandlerAtBarcodeReader = 23
ReadBarcode = 24
class cytomat.status.WarningStatus(value)[source]

An enumeration.

NoWarning = 0
MotorCommunicationDisrupted = 1
PlateNotMountedOnShovel = 2
PlateNotDroppedFromShovel = 3
ShovelNotExtended = 4
ProcedureTimeout = 5
TransferDoorNotOpened = 6
TransferDoorNotClosed = 7
ShovelNotRetracted = 8
InitialisingDueToOpenedDeviceDoor = 9
TransferStationNotRotated = 12
class cytomat.status.ErrorStatus(value)[source]

An enumeration.

NoError = 0
MotorCommunicationDisrupted = 1
PlateNotMountedOnShovel = 2
PlateNotDroppedFromShovel = 3
ShovelNotExtended = 4
ProcedureTimeout = 5
TransferDoorNotOpened = 6
TransferDoorNotClosed = 7
ShovelNotRetracted = 8
StepMotorTemperatureTooHigh = 10
OtherStepMotorError = 11
TransferStationNotRotated = 12
HeatingOrCo2CommunicationDisrupted = 13
ShakerCommunicationDisrupted = 14
ShakerConfigurationOutOfOrder = 15
ShakerNotStarted = 16
ShakerClampNotOpen = 19
ShakerClampNotClosed = 20
Critical = 255
class cytomat.status.SwapStationStatus(position1_at_door, occupied_at_door, occupied_at_user)[source]

Create new instance of SwapStationStatus(position1_at_door, occupied_at_door, occupied_at_user)

property position1_at_door

Alias for field number 0

property occupied_at_door

Alias for field number 1

property occupied_at_user

Alias for field number 2

classmethod from_response_string(response: str) SwapStationStatus[source]

Create an instance from the response string (e.g. '111')

Serial Port

class cytomat.serial_port.SerialPort(port: str, *, timeout: float)[source]

Wraps a plain serial connection to simplify communication with Cytomat devices

  • port (str) – The address of the port (e.g. “COM3” on Windows or “/dev/ttyACM0” on Unix)

  • timeout (float, seconds) – A TimeoutError will be raised of read or write operations took longer than this duration

issue_action_command(command: str) OverviewStatus[source]

Issue a command which results in ‘ok XX’ or ‘er XX’.


command (str) – The command


The current device status, as given by the response ‘ok XX’

Return type:


issue_status_command(command: str) str[source]

Issue a status command in the form of ‘ch:xx’ or ‘ch:xx …’, which results in responses like ‘xx …’. Returns the response without the prefix


command (str) – The command


The response without the prefix

Return type:



InvalidCommand – If the command did not match ‘ch:xx’ or ‘ch:xx …’


>>> self.issue_action_command("ch:bs")
'01'  # full response was 'bs 01'


exception cytomat.errors.UnexpectedResponse[source]
exception cytomat.errors.InvalidCommand[source]
exception cytomat.errors.SerialCommunicationError[source]

Errors corresponding to device responses ‘er XX’

exception cytomat.errors.UnknownErrorCode[source]
exception cytomat.errors.DeviceBusy[source]
exception cytomat.errors.CommandUnknown[source]
exception cytomat.errors.InvalidCommandTelegramStructure[source]
exception cytomat.errors.WrongTelegramParameters[source]
exception cytomat.errors.UnknownSlotNumber[source]
exception cytomat.errors.WrongHandlerPosition[source]
exception cytomat.errors.ShovelNotExtended[source]
exception cytomat.errors.HandlerOccupied[source]
exception cytomat.errors.HandlerEmpty[source]
exception cytomat.errors.TransferStationEmpty[source]
exception cytomat.errors.TransferStationNotInPosition[source]
exception cytomat.errors.TransferDoorNotConfigured[source]
exception cytomat.errors.TransferDoorNotOpen[source]
exception cytomat.errors.TransferStationOccupied[source]
exception cytomat.errors.InternalMemoryAccessError[source]
exception cytomat.errors.UnauthorizedAccess[source]
exception cytomat.errors.InvalidResponseTelegramStructure[source]
exception cytomat.errors.Timeout[source]
exception cytomat.errors.ShakerNotActive[source]